Movie, Dinner, Havdallah & Speaker
Saturday, February 15th | 7pm


Chabad at the Shore is proud to welcome back  Lt Col Benjamin Wallen, Chaplain and Engineer officer in the US Military to show a film and speak to our community about Jewish Life in the US Army and West Point. 

Havdalah Ceremony, Delicious Pasta Dinner and Popcorn will be Served.   

Cost: $10 Adults | $5 Children
RSVP required by 1/13, 5pm.
Make a payment online by visiting donate or mail a check to Chabad, 21 S Troy Ave, Ventnor, NJ 08406.  

About the Film
Title:  Diversity in the Long Gray Line

The United States Military Academy at West Point uniquely reflects many changes that have occurred in the history of our country's society.  Today, it is an example of how diversity makes our country and our military stronger than ever.  2019 recognizes the 1000th Jewish graduate from the Academy in its continued march toward diversity.  Film directed and produced by Les Owen and Treehouse Dreams Films.  Original score by Noah Taylor.  Narrated by Diane Dayton.

(609) 822-8500 or email
[email protected]
Event Location: Chai Center 6605 Atlantic Ave 

LTC Benjamin Wallen, PhD, PE, PMP
United States Military Academy
Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering
Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Ben Wallen is an Engineer officer with experience in both combat and construction units.  He has deployed to Iraq three times as well as six rotations to the National Training Center and one rotation to the Joint Readiness Training Center.  His most recent assignment was part of the joint staff in Iraq working daily with the Department of State and enabling the transition of all U.S. military sites back to Iraq leadership.  His academic and research interests are focused on landmine detection and understanding how heat and mass transfer in the shallow subsurface is altered due to soil disturbance.  LTC Wallen is the Environmental Engineering Curriculum Coordinator and teaches a variety of classes in the environmental engineering sequence and major.  He is also the Officer-in-Charge of the Hillel, a member of the Jewish Chapel Fund, a member of the Jewish Community Council and the Lay Leader at West Point.  He has served as a Lay Leader at every military installation and for each deployment to Iraq since 1997.